





博导 硕导

333体育 及专业

333体育 车辆工程专业












[1] Xingyu Zhou, Chao Sun*, Fengchun Sun, Chuntao Zhang. Commuting-pattern-oriented stochastic optimization of electric powertrains for revealing contributions of topology modifications to the powertrain energy efficiency. Applied Energy (Accept, 2023, Online).

[2] Chao Sun, Chuntao Zhang, Fengchun Sun, Xingyu Zhou* Stochastic co-optimization of speed planning and powertrain control with dynamic probabilistic constraints for safe and ecological driving. Applied Energy, Vol.35, 1 November 2022, 119874 (SCI,Top期刊, IF=11.446).

[3] Xingyu Zhou, Chao Sun *, Fengchun Sun , Chuntao Zhang Commuting-pattern-oriented optimal sizing of electric vehicle powertrain based on stochastic optimization. Journal of Power Source, Vol. 545, 15 October 2022, 231786 (SCI, Top期刊, IF=9.794).

[4] Xingyu Zhou, Fengchun Sun, Chuntao Zhang, Chao Sun*. Stochastically predictive co-optimization of the speed planning and powertrain controls for electric vehicles driving in random traffic environment safely and efficiently. Journal of Power Source, Vol. 528, 30 April 2022, 231200(SCI, Top期刊, IF=9.794).

[5] Xingyu Zhou, Fengchun Sun, Chao Sun*, Chuntao Zhang Predictive co-optimization of speed planning and powertrain energy management for electric vehicles driving in traffic scenarios: Combining strengths of simultaneous and hierarchical methods. Journal of Power Source, Vol. 523, 1 March 2022, 230910 (SCI, Top期刊, IF=9.794).

[6] Xingyu Zhou, Fengchun Sun, Chao Sun*. Machine learning aided methods for reducing the dimensionality of the comprehensive energy economy optimization of the fuel cell powertrains. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 327, 10 December 2021, 129250 (SCI, Top期刊, IF=11.072).

[7] Xingyu Zhou, Datong Qin*, Mingyao Yao, Zhengqiu Xie. Representation, generation, and optimization methodology of hybrid electric vehicle powertrain architectures. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020. 256: 120711 (SCI, Top期刊, IF=11.072).

[8] Xingyu Zhou, Datong Qin*, Jianjun Hu. Multi-objective optimization design and performance evaluation for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle powertrains. Applied Energy, 2017: 208: 1608-1625 (SCI, Top期刊, IF=11.446).

[9] Chao Sun, Chuntao Zhang, Xingyu Zhou*, Fengchun Sun, Coordinated hierarchical co-optimization of speed planning and energy management for electric vehicles driving in stochastic environment. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, (Minor Revision).

[10] Mingyao Yao, Datong Qin, Xingyu Zhou, Yuping Zeng Integrated optimal control of transmission ratio and power split ratio for a CVT-based plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. Mechanism and Machine Theory 136(2):52-71 (SCI, Top期刊, IF=4.93).

[11] Baogang Li, Dongye Sun, Minghui Hu, Xingyu Zhou, et. al. Coordinated control of gear shifting process with multiple clutches for power-shift transmission. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 140(23):274-291 (SCI, Top期刊, IF=4.93).

[12] Baogang Li, Dongye Sun, Minghui Hu, Xingyu Zhou, et.al. Automatic gear-shifting strategy for fuel saving by tractors based on real-time identification of draught force characteristics. Biosystems Engineering, May 2020-193:46-61 (SCI, IF=5.002).

[13] Yu Xia, Dongye Sun, Datong Qin, Xingyu Zhou, Optimisation of the power-cycle hydro-mechanical parameters in a continuously variable transmission designed for agricultural tractors. Biosystems Engineering, May 2020-193:12-24 (SCI, IF=5.002).

[14] Zihong Yang, Xingyu Zhou*, Fuxing Yao, Fei Wang, Chao Sun. Mechanism-based modeling and evaluation of the energy consumption in traffic flow for electric vehicles. 33th Chines Control and Decision Conference, 2021, pp. 1898-1903 (EI).

[15] Xingyu Zhou, Fei Wang, Yao Fuxing, Chao Sun*. Multi-objective Optimization of Detector Layouts and Floating Car Datum Requirement for Higher Efficiency of Traffic State Prediction. 33th Chines Control and Decision Conference, 2021, pp.1910-1916 (EI).

[16] Xingyu Zhou, Datong Qin*, Dario Rotella, Marco Cammalleri. Hybrid Electric Vehicle Powertrain Design: Construction of Topologies and Initial Design Schemes. in Proceedings of International Conference of IFTomm Italy. 2018: 49-60 (EI).


[1] 数据驱动自启发-自寻优的车辆电动总成构型生成与优选方法研究,2022年国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持;

[2] 基于路况时空预测的电动汽车运动规划与能效优化,2020年国家自然科学基金重点项目,参与;

[3] 燃料电池乘用车整车集成及动力系统平台开发,2019年广东省重点研发计划资助子课题,参与。




[1] Sustability专刊Frontiers of Intelligent New Energy Vehicles(智能新能源汽车前沿)客座学术编辑

[2] 担任Energy、Applied Energy、Journal of Power Sources、Journal of Cleaner Production 审稿专家;