



刘 辉


教 授

n博导 n硕导

333体育 及专业

333体育 ,车辆工程



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  1. XX地面无人平台技术研究,军科委国防科技创新特区重点项目,起止时间2022-2024,项目经费4750万,负责人

  2. 车辆机电复合传动系统振动特性及减振技术,国防基础产品创新科研项目,起止时间2022-2024,项目经费1124万元,负责人

  3. 复杂服役环境车辆机电复合传动系统动力学设计及调控机制研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,项目批准号52130512,起止时间2022-2026,项目经费310万元,负责人

  4. 某车辆驱动系统多源能量优化与动力学调控,军科委基础加强项目,起止时间2020-2025,项目经费500万元,负责人

  5. 传动系统耦合振动特性及抑制研究,国防基础产品创新科研项目,起止时间2018-2021,项目经费1140万元,负责人

  6. 某吨位级车辆机电复合传动技术研究,装备预研项目,起止时间2018-2020,项目经费560万元,负责人

  7. 机电复合传动集成与优化研究国防,重大背景预研项目,起止时间2011-2016,项目经费2950万元,负责人

  8. 机电复合传动优化研究, XXX工程项目,起止时间2016-2019,项目经费535万元,负责人

  9. 车辆机电复合传动振动能量传递机理及主动控制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目批准号:51775040,起止时间2019-2022,项目经费:66万元,负责人(优秀结题项目)

  10. 基于正负刚度并联的汽车传动系统半主动扭振控制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目批准号:51375047,起止时间2014-2017,项目经费:83万元,负责人


  1. C. Liu, H. Liu*, L. Han, W. Wang and C. Guo.Multi-level Coordinated Yaw Stability Control Based on Sliding Mode Predictive Control for Distributed Drive Electric Vehicles under Extreme Conditions. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,2023, vol.72, no.1, pp.280-296.

  2. H. Liu, C. Liu, L. Han and C. Xiang Handling and Stability Integrated Control of AFS and DYC for Distributed Drive Electric Vehicles Based on Risk Assessment and Prediction.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.2022, vol.23, no.12, pp.23148 - 23163.

  3. Liu H*, Liu R, Xu R, Han L, Ruan S.Hierarchical energy management strategy considering switching schedule for a dual-mode hybrid electric vehicle[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering.2022, 236:938-949.

  4. 张伟,刘辉*,韩立金等.混合动力履带车辆机电联合制动控制[J].兵工学报.2022,43(5):969-981.

  5. Liu Hui, Riming Xu, Lijin Han*, Shanshan Xiong.Control Strategy for an Electromechanical Transmission Vehicle Based on a Double Markov Process[J].International Journal of Automotive Technology.2021,122:761-770.

  6. Liu Hui*, Liu Rui, Riming Xu, Lijin Han, Shumin Ruan Hierarchical energy management strategy considering switching schedule for a dual-mode hybrid electric vehicle[J].Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D-Journal of Automobile Engineering,2021,01:1-12.

  7. Zhang Wei, Liu Hui*, Zhang Xun, Yunhao Wu, Gao Pu, Wang Zhen. Torque ripple compensation control for hybrid UGVs in mode transition based on current harmonic control of a PMSM[J].Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D-Journal of Automobile Engineering.2021,235(4):920-932.

  8. 刘聪,刘辉*,韩立金,陈科.分布式电驱动车辆极限越野环境下高速避障与稳定性控制[J].兵工学报,2021,42(10):2102-2113.

  9. Xun Zhang, Hui Liu, Zhaobin Zhan, Yunhao Wu etc. Modelling and active damping of engine torque ripple in a power-split hybrid electric vehicle[J].Control Engineering Practice. 2020, Vol.104. 104634.

  10. Hui Liu, Pengfei Yan,Pu Gao.Effects of Temperature on the Time-Varying Mesh Stiffness, Vibration Response, and Support Force of a Multi-Stage Planetary Gear[J].              Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-Transactions of The ASME.2020,Vol.142,5,051110-1.

  11. Liu H, Zhang X, Chen Y, et al. Active damping of driveline vibration in power-split hybrid vehicles based on model reference control [J]. Control Engineering Practice, 2019, 91: 104085.

  12. Liu H, Wu Y, Wang X, et al. Nonlinear normal modes and primary resonance for permanent magnet synchronous motors with a nonlinear restoring force and an unbalanced magnetic pull [J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019: ,Vol97 :1197-1213.

  13. Liu H, Li X, Wang W, et al. Adaptive equivalent consumption minimisation strategy and dynamic control allocation-based optimal power management strategy for four-wheel drive hybrid electric vehicles[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2019, 233(12): 3125-3146.

  14. Gao P, Walker P D, Liu H*, et al. Application of an adaptive tuned vibration absorber on a dual lay-shaft dual clutch transmission powertrain for vibration reduction[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 121: 725-744.

  15. Li X, Han L, Liu H, et al. Real-time optimal energy management strategy for a dual-mode power-split hybrid electric vehicle based on an explicit model predictive control algorithm[J]. Energy, 2019, 172: 1161-1178.

  16. 刘辉*, 李训明, 王伟达 等. 基于最优功率分配因子的插电式混合动力汽车实时能量管理策略研究[J]. 机械工程学报, 2019 (4): 12.

  17. Hui Liu,Weida Wang,Changle Xiang,et al. A de-noising method using the improved wavelet threshold function based on noise variance estimation[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018, 99: 30-46.

  18. Hui Liu,Xunming Li,Weida Wang,et al. Markov velocity predictor and radial basis function neural network-based real-time energy management strategy for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles[J]. Energy, 2018, 152: 427-444.

  19. Xiaojie Wang, Hui Liu*, Yinqi Chen, et al. Beneficial stiffness design of a high-static-low-dynamic-stiffness vibration isolator based on static and dynamic analysis[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018, 142-143: 235-244.

  20. Han Zhou,Hui Liu*,Pu Gao,et al. Optimization Design and Performance Analysis of Vehicle Powertrain Mounting System[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2018, 31(1)


l 入选国家高层次领军人才,教育部新世纪优秀人才获批部级科技卓越青年人才基金。

l 国家技术发明一等奖1项(2019国防科技进步一等奖2项(2005,2016国防科技进步二等奖1项(2009国防科技创新团队奖(2022年)

l 指导研究生获北京市优秀毕业生4人。作为指导教师指导学生获第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛银奖2021中国机器人大赛暨RoboCup机器人世界杯中国赛一等奖,2021年北京地区高校大学生优秀创业团队评选一等奖第十一届“挑战杯”首都大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖2022中国智能机器人格斗及竞技大赛二等奖第二十三届中国机器人及人工智能大赛省级二等奖

l 北京理工大学“三全育人”先进个人“十三五”科技工作先进个人“十三五”科技工作创新团队等荣誉。


l 车辆工程系主任、教育部多模态智能机器人及系统集成攻关大平台副主任、北京理工大学第三届机械与运载学部委员。

l 国家自然科学基金委优青、杰青、面地青项目和联合基金项目会评专家

l 中国自然中国汽车工程学会越野车技术分会委员、武警部队通用车辆装备技术应用专家咨询小组成员、中国机械工程学会机械设计分会委员、创新中国创新设计联合体副秘书长

l 《汽车工程》学术编委、《兵工学报》专刊客座编辑、《Automotive Innovation》专刊客座编辑等学术兼职。