姓 名 |
黄英 |
职 称 |
教授 |
√博导 √ 硕导 |
专 业 |
车辆专业 |
办公地址 |
北京理工大学发动机西楼327 |
邮 编 |
100081 |
办公电话 |
010-68913228 |
邮 件 |
研究方向 |
1.车辆动力系统健康管理 2.车辆动力传动系统综合控制 3.混合动力系统能量管理与协调控制 4.内燃机建模及控制 |
代表性论文及研究项目 |
代表论文: [1] Huang Y, Wang J, Yue Y, Yang L. Model predictive control for active vibration suppression of hybrid electric vehicles during mode transition. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 2023;237(12):2819-2830. [2] Huang Y, Wang J, He W. Study on momentum gradient descent on-line engine calibration algorithm combined with search space division. International Journal of Engine Research. 2024;25(3):424-434. doi:10.1177/14680874231196099 [3] Yue Y, Huang Y, Hao D, Zhu GG. Model reference adaptive LQT control for anti-jerk utilizing tire-road interaction characteristics. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 2021;235(6):1670-1684. doi:10.1177/0954407020973971 [4] Wang X, Huang Y, Wang J. Study on Driver-Oriented Energy Management Strategy for Hybrid Heavy-Duty Off-Road Vehicles under Aggressive Transient Operating Condition. Sustainability. 2023; 15(9):7539. //doi.org/10.3390/su15097539 [5] Hao D, Zhao C, Huang Y, et al. Adaptive Optimal Control for Suppressing Vehicle Longitudinal Vibrations. [C].2019 American Control Conference(ACC). July 10-12, Philadelphia, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,USA. [6] H.Li, Y.Huang, G.Zhu, et al. Profile Tracking for an Electro-Hydraulic Variable Valve Actuator using Receding Horizon LQT[J]. IEEE/ASME Transaction on Mechatronics, 2017. [7] H.Li, Y.Huang, G.Zhu, et al. Adaptive LQT Valve Timing Control for an Electro-Hydraulic Variable Valve Actuator[J]. IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, 2017. [8] H.Li, G.G.Zhu, Y.Huang. Adaptive Feedforward Control of an Electro-Hydraulic Variable Valve Actuator for Internal Combustion Engines[C]. 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), December 12-15, 2017, Melbourne, Australia. [9] H.Li, G.G.Zhu, Y.Huang, et al. Reduced-Order Nonlinear Model of an Electro-Hydraulic Variable Valve Actuator for Internal Combustion Engines[C]. 2017 13th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA) July 3-6, 2017.Ohrid, Macedonia. [10] Jiang D, Huang Y, Li G, et al. Design of a speed tracking controller for heavy-duty vehicles with an all-speed governor based on a model predictive control strategy [J]. International journal of engine research,2017:146808741668880. [11] Jiang D, Huang Y, Zuo Z, et al. Drivability Improvement Control for Vehicle Start-up Applied to an Automated Manual Transmission[J]. Shock and Vibration,2017, (2017-5-11),2017. [12] Hao D, Zhao C, Huang Y, et al. A Reduced-Order Model for Active Suppression Control of Vehicle Longitudinal Low-Frequency Vibration[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2018: 1-22. [13] Hao D, Zhao C, Huang Y, et al. Double-Target Switching Control of Vehicle Longitudinal Low-Frequency Vibration Based on Fuzzy Logic[J]. Shock and Vibration,2018. [14] Hao D, Zhao C, Huang Y, et al. Dynamic Indicated Torque Estimation for Turbocharged Diesel Engines Based on Back Propagation Neural Network[C]. IFAC-Papers Online,2018. [15] H.Li, G.G.Zhu, Y.Huang. Optimal Profile Tracking for an Electro-Hydraulic Variable Valve Actuator using Trajectory Linearization[C].2018 American Control Conference (ACC), June 27-29, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. [16] 王健,黄英,高晓宇,等.基于堆叠稀疏自编码器的多缸喷油器堵塞定位算法[J/OL].兵工学报,1-11. [17] 王绪,李睿,黄英,等.考虑不同路面特征的军用履带车辆循环工况构建[J].兵工学报, 2024, 45(03): 907-915. [18] 王绪,高晓宇,黄英,等.模型失配条件下混合动力两栖车功率协调预测控制[J/OL].兵工学报,1-11. [19] 黄英,王拓,裴海俊,等.基于运行工况和多分类支持向量机的柴油机共轨系统诊断方法[J].北京理工大学学报,2023,43(07):719-725.DOI:10.15918/j.tbit1001-0645.2022.179. [20] 姜丹娜,黄英.通过道路并联混合动力车辆的低频纵振主动控制[J]. 机械工程学报, 2017, 53(14):68-76. [21] Ge Y, Huang Y, Hao D, et al. An indicated torque estimation method based on the Elman neural network for a turbocharged diesel engine[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2016 vol. 230 no. 10: 1299-1313. [22] 李欢,黄英,郝东浩,等. 基于燃烧模型的增压柴油机动态指示转矩预测[J]. 内燃机学报, 2016(4):357-364. [23] 李欢,黄英,张付军,等. 基于软件组件库的柴油机ECU软件设计与实现[J]. 汽车工程, 2016(12):1420-1426. [24] 姜丹娜,黄英,郝东浩. 传动间隙对汽车驾驶性的影响规律研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2016(24). [25] Jiang D, Huang Y, Hao D, et al. Active damping of drive train oscillations for BAS hybrid vehicle considering multi-operations[C]//35th China Control Conference. IEEE, 2016:8824-8829.
研究项目: [1] 某动力装置通用健康管理系统验证评价技术,国防预研项目 [2] 混合动力推进系统能量管理与一体化控制,国防预研项目 [3] 高效一体化油冷增程器总成开发及整车集成应用,国家重点研发项目 [4] 先进推进系统一体化控制与试验验证,国防基础产品创新项目 [5] 机电复合传动系统发动机控制,国防973项目 [6] 喷油矢量对往复活塞式内燃机扭振特性影响机理及闭环控制算法研究,国家自然科学基金项目 [7] 车辆低频纵振全工况主动控制算法研究,国家自然科学基金项目
成果及荣誉 |
[1] “先进推进系统综合控制设计技术体系”,获部级科技进步3等奖,排名第1; [2] “履带车辆电传动关键技术”,获国家发明2等奖,排名第5; [3] “动力传动装置集成设计技术”,获部级科技进步2等奖,排名第4; [4] “辆动力传动实时仿真技术”,获部级科技进步3等奖,排名第2; [5] “车辆动力与传动控制匹配技术研究”,获部级科技进步3等奖,排名第2; [6] “动力传动装置一体化控制技术”,获部级科技进步3等奖,排名第3;
社会职务 |
[1] 国家自然科学基金函评专家; [2] CVCI(车辆控制与智能化)专委会委员; [3] ASME会员 [4] SAE会员 [5] IEEE会员.