





博导 硕导

333体育 及专业







[email protected]


2008/09-2012/06 北京航空航天大学 学士 飞行器动力工程

2014/09-2019/06 北京航空航天大学 博士 航空宇航推进理论与工程


2019/10-2022/08 北京理工大学 讲师

2022/08-至今 北京理工大学 副教授


1. 运载装备热端部件服役可靠性评价

2. 小型智能无人巡飞平台关键技术


入选军委科技委 JS青年托举人才工程主持国家自然基金青年项目科工局及空军装备部、企事业委托项目10第一作者撰写学术专著高强化柴油机热端部件可靠性评价一部。部分论文如下

[1] Peirong R, Weiqing H*, Zhengxing Z, Dongwei L, Chengzhang Z, Kangjie Y. "High Cycle Fatigue Analysis and Modelling of Cast Al-Si Alloys Extracted from Cylinder Heads Considering Microstructure Characteristics." Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 19: 3004-3017.

[2] Ren PR, Zuo ZX, Huang WQ*, et al. "Effects of axial profile on the main bearing performance of internal combustion engine and its optimization using multiobjective optimization algorithms." Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2022, 35:3519-3531.

[3] Kang-jie Yan, Wei-qing Huang*, Zheng-xing Zuo, Pei-rong Ren, Dong-wei Li, Cheng-zhang Zhao, Jia-nan Song, Xiao-bo Zhang. "Microstructure based analysis and predictive modeling of cast Al7Si1.5Cu0.4Mg alloy mechanical properties." Materials Today Communications, 2022, 30: 103102.

[4] Li Y, Liu JX, Huang WQ*, Wu YH. "Failure Analysis of a Diesel Engine Exhaust Manifold." International Journal of Metalcasting, 2022.

[5] Dong-wei Li, Wei-qing Huang*, Jin-xiang Liu, Pei-rong Ren, Zheng-xing Zuo, Ling-jun Zhang. "Study on scatter in mechanical properties of cylinder head with complex structure characters." Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 135: 106114.

[6] Li Y, Liu JX, Huang WQ*, Zhang S. "Microstructure related analysis of tensile and fatigue properties for sand casting aluminum alloy cylinder head." Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 136: 106210.

[7] Zhao CZ, Huang WQ*, Liu JX. "An investigation on tensile and fatigue properties of cast Al-7Si-1.5Cu alloy applied in cylinder head considering size effect phenomenon." Materials Today Communications, 2022, 31: 103271.

[8] Li DW, Huang WQ*, Liu JX. "Prediction of mechanical properties of ZL702A based on neural network and regression analysis." Materials Today Communications, 2022, 32: 103679.

[9] Dong-wei Li, Jin-xiang Liu, Wei-qing Huang*, Zheng-xing Zuo, Yi Shi, Wen-jun Bai. "Machine learning-based prediction for time series damage evolution of Ni-based superalloy microstructures." Materials Today Communications, 2022, 33: 104533.

[10] Qinzheng Yang, Xiaoguang Yang, Weiqing Huang, Yi Shi, Duoqi Shi. "Small fatigue crack propagation rate and behaviours in a powder metallurgy superalloy: Role of stress ratio and local microstructure." International Journal of Fatigue, 2022, 160: 106861.

[11] Yang QZ, Yang XG, Huang WQ. "Propagation Behaviors of Small Cracks in Powder Metallurgy Nickel-Based Superalloy FGH4096."Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2022, 58, 683-694.

[12] Pei-rong, Ren, Wei, Song, Gu, Zhong, Wei-qing, Huang*, Zheng-xing, Zuo, Cheng-zhang, Zhao, and Kang-jie, Yan. "High-cycle fatigue failure analysis of cast Al-Si alloy engine cylinder head." Engineering Failure Analysis 105546, no. N(2021).

[13] Peirong, Ren, Weiqing, Huang*, Xiaoguang, Yang, Jia, Huang, Yi, Shi, and Yongsheng, Fan. "A modified constitutive model considering microstructure degradation of Ni-based superalloys and its application to microstructural damage calculation." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 882, no. 160605(2021).

[14] Li, Yuan, Liu, Jinxiang, Zhong, Gu, Huang, Weiqing*, and Zou, Run. "Analysis of a diesel engine cylinder head failure caused by casting porosity defects." Engineering Failure Analysis 127, (2021).

[15] Li, Yuan, Liu, Jinxiang, Zhang, Qiang, and Huang, Weiqing*. "Casting defects and microstructure distribution characteristics of aluminum alloy cylinder head with complex structure." Materials Today Communications 27, (2021).

[16] Weiqing, Huang, Shaolin, Li, Xiaoguang, Yang, Duoqi, Shi, and Hongyu, Qi. "Experimental investigation and modelling of microstructure degradation in a DS Ni-based superalloy using a quantitative cross-correlation analysis method." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 762, (2018): 488-499.

[17] Huang, Wei-Qing; Yang, Xiao-Guang; Li, Shao-Lin, Evaluation of service-induced microstructural damage for directionally solidified turbine blade of aircraft engine, Rare Metals, 2019, 38(2): 157-164.


1. 主持某工程某型气缸盖结构设计及强度评估,国防科工局2020/01-2022/12800

2. 主持某专项XXX结构功能一体化设计技国防科工局2023/01-2025/121200

3. 主持,预研项目,某型铝合金高温强化机理及热机疲劳性能影响,中央军委装备发展部,2020/11-2022/11150

4. 主持,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,基于LSTM的定向凝固高温合金剩余寿命预测方法,2022/01-2024/1224

5. 主持XXX年托举人才计划倾转旋翼XXX能量管理军委科技委2022/11-2025/11120

6. 主持,项目外协,航空发动机XXX研究,工业信息化部两机专项2021/01-2024/1270

7. 主持,军内预研,航空发动机组织损伤判定方法研究,空军装备部,2021/07-2022/0220




1. 国防科工局车用动力专项论证专家组成员

2. 教育部学位中心研究生学位论文通讯评议专家Engineering Failure Analysis, Journal of Ceremic Science and Technology, 有色金属学报、内燃机学报等期刊审稿人

3. 中铝集团苏州研究院技术顾问