





博导 硕导

333体育 及专业

333体育 ,工程热物理







李胜,男,工学博士,北京理工大学长聘教授,原中国科333体育 工程热物理研究所研究员,国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金、中科院青年促进会优秀会员获得者。 主要从事含碳燃料转化过程不可逆损失与CO2富集机理、碳氢组分分级气化及制氢技术、低能耗CO2捕集技术、以及可再生能源-化石燃料多能互补研究。目前,发表SCI/EI收录60余篇,以第一作者在Nature 子刊、Environmental Science and TechnologyThe innovation (CELL旗下期刊,影响因子28) 等发表学术论文,16篇论文的影响因子超过10



(1) Sheng Li*, Lin Gao, Song He, Dongtai Yang, Yawen Zheng. Carbon capture in power sector of China towards carbon neutrality and its comparison to renewable power. Fundamental Research, 2022.

(2) S. Li*, L. Gao. Greenhouse gas emissions from synthetic natural gas production. Nature Climate Change, 2016, 6: 220-222.

(3) Wang Fang,Harindintwali Jean Damascene,Yuan Zhizhang,Wang Min,Wang Faming, Li Sheng et al., Technologies and perspectives for achieving carbon neutrality. The Innovation,2021,2(4), 100180.

(4) Chaowei Wang, Song He, Sheng Li*, Lin Gao. Water saving potential of coal-to-synthetic natural gas. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 280, Part 1, 20 January 2021, 124326, //doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.124326

(5) Song He, Sheng Li⁎, Lin Gao. Proposal and energy saving analysis of novel methanol–electricity polygeneration

system based on staged coal gasification method. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, //doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2021.113931

(6) He S, Gao L*, Dong R, Li S. A novel hydrogen production system based on the three-step gasification technology thermally coupled with chemical looping combustion process. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2022, //doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.12.050

(7) Yawen Zheng, Lin Gao*, Sheng Li, Dan Wang. A Comprehensive Evaluation Model for Full-Chain CCUS Performance Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process Method. Energy, 2021, 239: 122033.

(8) Yawen Zheng, Song He, Lin Gao*, Sheng Li. Analysis and Evaluation of the Energy Saving Potential of the CO2 Chemical Absorption Process. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2021, 112: 103486.

(9) Dandan Wang, Sheng Li*, Song He, Lin Gao. Coal to substitute natural gas based on combined coal-steam gasification and one-step methanation. Applied Energy, 240:851-859, 2019.

(10) Dandan Wang, Sheng Li*, Feng Liu, Lin Gao, Jun Sui. Post combustion CO2 capture in power plant using low temperature steam upgraded by double absorption heat transformer. Applied Energy, 227: 603-612, 2018.

(11) Dandan Wang, Sheng Li*, Lin Gao, Handong Wu, Hongguang Jin. Novel Coal-Steam Gasification With a Thermochemical Regenerative Process for Power Generation. Journal of Energy Resources Technology-ASME, 140(9): 092203, 2018.

(12) Dandan Wang, Sheng Li*, Lin Gao. SNG production with CO2 capture based on coal-steam gasification and one-step methanation.              Energy Procedia, 158:2397–2402, 2019.

(13) Wei Li, Song He, Sheng Li*. Experimental study and thermodynamic analysis of Hydrogen production through a two-step chemical gasificaiton regenative coal gasification. Applied Sciences, 9(15):3035, 2019.

(14) Chaowei Wang, Song He, Sheng Li*, Lin Gao. Water saving potential of coal-to-synthetic natural gas. Journal of Cleaner Production, 280:124326, 2021.

(15) Li, Sheng*; Gao, Lin; Jin, Hongguang; Smith, Kathryn; Mumford, Kathryn; Stevens, Geoffrey. Energy and exergy analyses of IGCC power plant with CO2 capture using hot potassium carbonate solvent. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2014, 48 (24), pp 14814–14821. DOI: 10.1021/es5041706.

(16) S. Li*, X. Ji, X. Zhang, L. Gao, H. Jin. Coal to SNG: Technical progress, modeling and system optimization through exergy analysis. Applied Energy, 2014, 136, 98-109.

(17) S. Li*, X. Zhang, L. Gao, H. Jin, Exergy analysis and the energy saving mechanism for coal to synthetic/substitute natural gas and power cogeneration system without and with CO2 capture, Applied Energy, 2014, 130: 552-561.

(18) S. Li, J. Sui, H. Jin*, J. Zheng. Full Chain Energy Performance for a Combined Cooling, Heating and Power System Running with Methanol and Solar Energy. Applied Energy, 2013, 112: 673-681.

(19) S. Li*, H. Jin, Lin Gao. Coal Based Cogeneration System for Synthetic/Substitute Natural Gas and Power With CO2 Capture After Methanation: Coupling Between Chemical and Power Production. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power-Transactions of ASME, 2013, 136 (9), DOI: 10.1115/1.4026928.

(20) S. Li, X. Zhang, L. Gao, H. Jin*. Learning Rates and Future Cost Curves for Fossil Fuel Energy Systems with CO2 Capture: Methodology and Case Studies. Applied Energy, 2012, 93, 348-356.

(21) Sheng Li*, Lin Gao, Hongguang Jin. Realizing low life cycle energy use and GHG emissions in coal based polygeneration with CO2 capture. Applied Energy, Volume 194, 15 May 2017, Pages 161-171.

(22) S. Li*, H. Jin, L. Gao; Cogeneration of Substitute Natural Gas and Power from Coal by Moderate Recycle of the Chemical Unconverted Gas. Energy, 2013, 55: 658-667.

(23) S. Li, Lin Gao, X. Zhang, H. Lin, H. Jin*. Evaluation of Cost Reduction Potential for a Coal Based Polygeneration System with CO2 Capture. Energy, 2012, 45(1), 101-106.

(24) S. Li*, H. Jin, L. Gao, X. Z, X. J. Techno-economic performance and cost reduction potential for the substitute/synthetic natural gas and power cogeneration plant with CO2 capture. Energy Conversion and Management, 2014, 85: 875-887. //dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2013.12.071

(25) Sheng Li*, Hongguang Jin, Kathryn Anne Mumford, Kathryn Smith and Geoff Stevens. IGCC Precombustion CO2 Capture Using K2CO3 Solvent and Utilizing the Intercooling Heat Recovered From CO2 Compressors for CO2 Regeneration. J. Energy Resour. Technol. 137(4), 042002, doi: 10.1115/1.4029964.

(26) S Li, L Gao, HG Jin, H Lin*. Possible energy network with polygeneration system and CCS for China. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2010, 53(1): 33-39.

(27) Sheng Li*, Hongguang Jin, Xiaosong Zhang, Lin Gao. Cost learning of IGCC power plant with CO2 capture in China. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences 2012.

(28) Sheng Li*, Lin Gao, Hongguang Jin. Life cycle energy use and GHG emission assessment of coal-based SNG and power cogeneration technology. Energy conversion and management, 2016, 112: 91-100.

(29) Wu H, Li S*, Gao L. Exergy Destruction Mechanism of Coal Gasification by Combining the Kinetic Method and the Energy Utilization Diagram. Journal of Energy Resources Technology- Transactions of the ASME, 2017, 139(6): 062201.

(30) Xiaozhou Ji, Sheng Li*, Lin Gao, Hongguang Jin. Thermodynamic comparison and efficiency enhancement mechanism of coal to alternative fuel systems. Applied thermal engineering, 2016, 103: 1251-1260.

(31) Wang D, Liu F, Li S*, et al. Upgrading Low-temperature Steam to Match CO2 Capture in Coal-fired Power Plant Integrated with Double Absorption Heat Transformer[J]. Energy Procedia, 2017, 105: 4436-4443.

(32) Wang D, Li S*, Gao L. SNG production with CO2 capture based on coal-steam gasification and one-step methanation. Energy Procedia, 2019 (158): 2397-2402.

(33) Chaowei Wang, Song He, Sheng Li*, Lin Gao. Water saving potential of coal-to-synthetic natural gas. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 280, Part 1, 20 January 2021, 124326

(34) Song He, Sheng Li⁎, Lin Gao. Proposal and energy saving analysis of novel methanol–electricity polygeneration

(35) system based on staged coal gasification method. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, //doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2021.113931

(36) X. Zhang, S. Li, H. Hong, H. Jin. A hydrogen and oxygen combined cycle with chemical-looping combustion. Energy Conversion and Management, 2014, 85: 701-708.

(37) Zhang X., Li S., Jin H. A poly-generation system based on multi-input chemical looping. Energies 2014, 7(11), 7166-7177.

(38) Chen Z, Zhang X, Li S, et al. Novel Power Generation Models Integrated Supercritical Water Gasification of Coal and Parallel Partial Chemical Heat Recovery[J]. Energy, 2017, 134: 933-942.

(39) Ashak Mahmud Parvez, Tao Wu, Sheng Li, Nick Miles, Iqbal M. Mujtab. Bio-DME production based on conventional and CO2-enhanced gasification of biomass: A comparative study on exergy and environmental impacts. Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 110, March 2018, Pages 105–113.

(40) Kathryn Smith, Andrew Lee, Kathryn Mumford, Sheng Li, Indrawan, Navin Thanumurthy, Nick Temple, Clare Anderson, Barry Hooper, Sandra Kentish and Geoff Stevens. Pilot plant results for a precipitating potassium carbonate solvent absorption process promoted with glycine for enhanced CO2 capture. Fuel processing technology, 2015, 135: 60-65.

(41) Wu H, Gao L, Jin H, Li S. Low-Energy-Penalty Principles of CO2 Capture in Polygeneration Systems. Applied Energy, 2017, 203: 571-581.

(42) Gao, Shiwang; Guo, Dongfang; Jin, Hongguang; Li, Sheng; Wang, Jinyi; Wang, Shiqing. Potassium Carbonate Slurry-Based CO2 Capture Technology. Energy & Fuel, 2015, 29 (10): 6656-6663, DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b01421.

(43) Chen Z, Zhang X, Han W, Gao L, Li S. Exergy Analysis on the Process with Integrated Supercritical Water Gasification of Coal and Syngas Separation[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 128: 1003-1008.

(44) Chen Z, Zhang X, Gao L, Li S. Thermal Analysis of Supercritical Water Gasification of Coal for Power Generation with Partial Heat Recovery[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 111: 1287-1295.

(45) Chen Z, Zhang X, Han W, Gao L, Li S. A Power Generation System Integrated Supercritical Water Gasification of Coal with CO2 Capture [J]. Energy, 2018, 142: 723-730.

(46) Chen Z, Gao L, Zhang X, et al. High-efficiency power generation system with integrated supercritical water gasification of coal. Energy, 2018, 159: 810-816.

(47) H Jin, S Li, L Gao, H Lin. An energy network with polygeneration system and CCS suitable for China. Energy Procedia, 2011, 4: 2332-2339.

(48) G Zhang, L Gao, H Jin, R Lin, S Li. Sensitivity analysis of a methanol and power polygeneration system fueled with coke oven gas and coal gas. Frontiers of Chemical Engineering in China, 2010; 4(4): 497-491.



中国科333体育 青年创新促进会优秀会员





李胜,男,工学博士,北京理工大学长聘教授,原中国科333体育 工程热物理研究所研究员,国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金、中科院青年促进会优秀会员获得者。 主要从事含碳燃料转化过程不可逆损失与CO2富集机理、煤炭碳氢组分分级气化及制氢技术、低能耗CO2捕集技术、以及可再生-化石燃料互补集成研究。目前,发表SCI/EI收录60余篇,以第一作者在Nature 子刊、Environmental Science and TechnologyThe innovation (CELL旗下期刊,影响因子28) 等发表学术论文,16篇论文的影响因子超过10。主持和参与的项目有:国家基金委优秀青年基金、面上和青年项目(其中青年基金结题评价为+)、973子课题、重点研发课题、中科院人才项目、基金委重大国际合作、NZECCOACH基金委基础科学中心等项目。获得能源领域顶级学术会议ASME IGTI "YETA";中科院"百篇优秀博士论文奖"; 澳大利亚工程院ATSE颁发的 "Australia China Emerging Future Leaders in Low Emissions Coal Technology Fellowship"、工程热物理研究所青年突出贡献奖二等奖等奖励。申请人曾多次受邀作为著名国际学术会议的keynote speaker:如国际能源署 (IEA) 举办的第四界国际燃烧后会议 (Post Combustion Capture Conference) 以及252 届美国化学学会年会 (ACS National Meeting & Exposition)。曾担任多个国际和国内学术会议的分会主席,如美国机械工程师协会2017 ASME Power & Energy ConferenceInternational Conference of Applied EnergyECOS等。


中国能源学会专家委员会委员(受邀),SCI 期刊副主编,Applied Energy等多个期刊审稿人

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