一、最新发表论文 [1] 刘敏霞;宋鑫泰;宫琳;杨晓楠;李天恒;谢剑;顾宇.某无人作战平台触控交互效率评价研究[J/OL].北京理工大学学报,1-9[2023-11-23]//doi.org/10.15918/j.tbit1001-0645.2023.101.
[2] 刘欣;赵锡睿;宫琳;刘敏霞;项溪;谢剑.风电的数字孪生模型使用与组合策略[J].科技创新与应用,2023,13(32):14-17.DOI:10.19981/j.CN23-1581/G3.2023.32.004。 [3] 杨奥;刘敏霞;李梓漩.基于驾驶员偏好的车载信息系统显示器评价体系构建[J].机械设计,2019,36(02):126-131.DOI:10.13841/j.cnki.jxsj.2019.02.019。 [4] 刘敏霞;柯家伟;谢剑;薛庆.基于改进模糊Borda法的工作疲劳评价应用[J].科技导报,2012,30(25):58-62. [5] 刘敏霞;薛庆;庞愉平.空间位置记忆广度研究[J].科技导报,2010,28(20):40-42. [6] 薛庆;王萌;刘敏霞;洪玮博.车载武器界面多任务下的目标辨识绩效[J].科技导报,2016,34(05):89-92. [7] 薛庆;秦黎;刘敏霞;吴向东.高炮弹道仿真系统设计与算法实现[J].科技导报,2013,31(34):29-33. [8] Liu M, Tang C, Gong L, et al. Research and Analysis on the Influence Factors of Spatial Perception Ability[C]// International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics. Springer, Cham, 2017:131-142. [9] Liu M, Ke J, Xie J, et al. The Evaluation on Working Fatigue Based on Improved Fuzzy Borda Method [J]. The 19th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2013, 23-32. [10] Liu M X, Yan Y, Xue Q, et al. The Research and Analysis of Factors Affecting Critical Flicker Frequency ☆[J]. Procedia Manufacturing, 2015, 3:4279-4286. [11] Song, X., Liu, M., Gong, L., Gu, Y., Shidujaman, M. (2023). A Review of Human-Computer Interface Evaluation Research Based on Evaluation Process Elements. In: Kurosu, M., Hashizume, A. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14011. Springer, Cham. //doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-35596-7_17 [12] Liu, M., Lan, J., Gong, L., Mo, Z., Yuan, X., & Zhao, X. (2023). An automated method for generating crowdsourcing design tasks based on knowledge graphs. Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA 2023, 1591–1596. //doi.org/10.1109/ICIEA58696.2023.10241610. [13] Research on the influence of abstract knowledge to the individual cognitive behavior and innovative design thinking.Zhou Y., Xue Q., Hao J., Liu M.-X. (2017) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 488 , pp. 51-63. [14] Chen J, Liu M, Xue Q. Efficiency evaluation based on FAHP and Fuzzy Integrated Estimation[C]// Robotics and Applications. IEEE, 2012:177-180. [15] Xue Q, Han X, Li M, et al. A Conceptual Architecture for Adaptive Human-Computer Interface of a PT Operation Platform Based on Context-Awareness [J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2014,(2014-4-3), 2014, 2014(6):435-444. [16] Yin Q, Xue Q, Liu M, et al. Development of turret interface based on WindML[C]// Robotics and Applications. IEEE, 2012:162-165. [17] Kan Z, Xue Q, Liu M, et al. Study on construction and implement of user model in turret display and control system[C]// IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. IEEE, 2012:1248-1252. [18] Yu H, Xue Q, Liu M. Research on rapid design plan for engine based on Human Factors Engineering[C]// IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. IEEE, 2011:1869-1872.
二、代表性科研项目 [1]智能化PT关键技术研究,国防基础预先研究项目,兵器装备集团。 [2]基于情境感知的某装备自适应人机交互界面设计,国防基础预先研究项目,兵器装备集团。 [3]基于虚拟现实的某装备维修性设计与评估,国防基础科研重点项目,兵器工业集团。 |