姓 名 |
张学强 |
职 称 |
教授 |
√博导 √硕导 |
333体育 及专业 |
333体育 制造工程系 |
办公地址 |
北京理工大学1号教学楼427-1 |
邮 编 |
100081 |
办公电话 |
010-68915786 |
邮 件 |
xueqiangzhang333tiyu.net |
研究方向 |
主要从事界面(气固、液固、固固)物理化学现象研究。通过对原位光谱仪器和实验方法的应用拓展,特别是高时空分辨光电子能谱和振动光谱(红外、拉曼光谱),探索超快激光-材料作用过程中光子-电子-声子相互作用的物理机制及材料化学键断裂、重构等化学反应机制对材料成形成性的影响规律,解决涉及超快激光微纳制造的国家重大需求领域基础前沿问题;探索光-物质、气固、液固界面物理化学和电子结构及涉及的超快过程。 |
代表性论文及研究项目 |
代表论文: [1] R. Lu†, X. Zhang†, Z. Zhao, M. Li*, X. Zhang*, Wettability Control in Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction: Effects, Modulations and Mechanisms, 2023 [2] Z. Su†, C. Zhang, X. Zhang, X. Zhang*, Gas/Solid, Liquid/Solid and Gas/Liquid Interfaces Probed Using Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, 2023 [3] S. Xia*, Z. Yuan, Y. Meng, G. Pan, C. Zhang, Z. Ni, X. Zhang*, Defect Engineering in Photocatalysis: Dual-vacancy ZnIn2S4-VZn+S and its Applications in Nitrogen Reduction Reactions, 2023 [4] R. Lu, X. Zhang, S. Li, Y. Wang, T. Song, T. Zhu,*, H. Zhang, R. Zheng, X. Zhang*, Chemical and Electronic Properties at the Pt/In2O3 Interface under CO2 Hydrogenation Conditions, ChemCatChem 2023, e202201435 [5] X. Zhang,*† A. Rowberg,*† N. Govindarajan, X. He, Hydrogen Bond Network at the H2O/Solid Interface, Book Chapter, Encyclopedia of Solid-Liquid Interfaces, Elsevier 2022, in press [6] X. Zhang*†, B. C. Wood*†, T. A. Pham, T. Ogitsu, J. Kapaldo, S. Ptasinska*, “Kinetically versus Thermodynamically Controlled Factors Governing Elementary Pathways of GaP(111) Surface Oxidation”, J. Power Sources 2023, 560, 232663 [7] X. Zhang*, K. Goodman, Q. Yuan, X. Tong, T. Cheng*, M. Blum*, “Pd-promoted Room-Temperature Reduction of In2O3 in CO2 Hydrogenation Reaction and Reduction-Driven Structural Dynamics”, 2023 [8] X. Zhang, A. Kirilin, S. Rozeveld, J. Kang, G. Pollefeyt, D. Yancey, A. Chojecki, B. Vanchura, M. Blum, “Support Effect and Surface Reconstruction in In2O3/m-ZrO2 Catalyzed CO2 Hydrogenation”, ACS Catal., 2022, 12, 3868-3880 [9] S. Xia*, L. Fang, Y. Meng, X. Zhang*, G. Pan, Z. Ni, C. Yang,* “Water-gas Shift Reaction Catalyzed by Layered Double Hydroxides Supported Au-Ni/Cu/Pt Bimetallic Alloys”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 272, 118949 [10] X. Zhang, S. Ptasinska, “Dissociative Adsorption of H2O onto a Pt Thin Film in Direct Contact with GaN (0001): Effect of Electronic Communications between the Catalyst and Support”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 2020, 516, 146127 [11] X. Zhang†*, T. A. Pham†*, B. C. Wood, O. Tadashi, S. Ptasinska*, “Modulation of Oxygen Bridges on OH-terminated InP (001) Surface under Near Ambient Conditions”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124, 3196 [12] G. Zhang†, X. Zhang†*, Y. Meng, X. Zhang, Z. Ni, S. Xia* “Layered Double Hydroxides Based Photocatalysts and Their Applications in Visible-light Photodegradation of Organic Pollutants: A Review”, Review article, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 392, 123684 [13] X. Zhang†*, O. Tadashi†*, B. C. Wood,* T. A. Pham, S. Ptasinska, “Oxidation Induced Polymerization of InP Surface and Implications for Optoelectronic Applications”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123, 30893 [14] X. Zhang*, “Evolution of Atomistic Topology at H2O/GaSb(100) Interface under Ambient Conditions and GaSb Surface Passivation”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123, 20916 [15] X. Zhang, G. Kumari, J. Heo, P. K. Jain, “In-situ Formation of Catalytically Active Graphene in Ethylene Photo-epoxidation”, Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 3056. [16] X. Zhang, Y. S. Chen, P. Kamat, S. Ptasinska, “Observation of the Catalytically Active Phase of Co3O4 OER Catalyst under Operando Conditions”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122, 13894 [17] T. A. Pham†*, X. Zhang†*, B. C. Wood*, D. Prendergast*, S. Ptasinska*, T. Ogitsu*, “Integrating Ab Initio Simulations and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy: Toward A Realistic Description of Oxidized Solid/Liquid Interfaces”, Perspective article, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (front cover), 2018, 9, 194 [18] X. Zhang†, C. Wang†, W. Ji, S. Ptasinska, “Evolution of CH3NO2/Si Interfacial Chemistry under Reaction Conditions: a Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study”, Chem. Comm., 2017, 53, 3342 [19] T. Jiang†, X. Zhang†, S. Vishwanath†, X. Mu, V. Kanzyuba, S. Ptasinska, D. Go, H. G. Xing, T. Luo, “Covalent Bonding Modulated Graphene–metal Interfacial Thermal Transport”, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 10993 [20] X. Zhang, S. Ptasinska, “Electronic and Chemical Structure of the H2O/GaN(0001) Interface under Ambient Conditions”, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 24848 [21] X. Zhang, S. Ptasinska, “High pressure Induced Pseudo-Oxidation of Copper Surface by Carbon Monoxide”, ChemCatChem, 2016, 8, 1632 (back cover) [22] X. Zhang, S. Ptasinska, “Heterogeneous Oxygen-Containing Species Formed via Oxygen or Water Dissociative Adsorption on a Gallium Phosphide Surface”, Topics in Catalysis, 2016, 59, 564 [23] X. Zhang, S. Ptasinska, “Evolution of Surface-Assisted Oxidation of GaAs (100) by Gas-Phase N2O, NO, and O2 under Near-Ambient Pressure Conditions”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119, 262 [24] X. Zhang, S. Ptasinska, “Distinct and Dramatic Water Dissociation on GaP(111) Tracked by Near-Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17, 3909 研究项目: 1.国家自然科学基金青年基金(在研,主持); 2.国家高层次青年人才项目(在研,主持);北京理工大学高层次人才启动经费(在研,主持) 3.(浙江大学)清洁能源国家实验室开放基金(在研,主持); 4.科技部重点研发计划子课题:非均质材料飞秒激光制造技术与装备(课题一:飞秒激光加工的多尺度连续观测及非均质材料加工机理,在研,主持) 5.某部委**项目(在研,子课题负责人) 6.部委级某预研项目(参与) |
成果及荣誉 |
国家高层次青年人才;中国机械工程学会“Microsystem and Nanoengineering”青年科学家奖;北京理工大学教师表彰大会优秀人才类表彰 |
社会职务 |
Infomat杂志青年编委;中国激光“前沿激光制造”子刊首届青年编委;Frontiers in Catalysis杂志编委;Materials杂志客座主题编辑 |