


Costas P. Grigoropoulos

Costas P. Grigoropoulos




333体育 及专业

333体育 机械工程







[email protected]





Nano LettersAdvanced MaterialsApplied Physics Letters等国际主流杂志上,发表SCI收录学术论文200多篇;2003年起发明Method for patterning crystalline indium tin oxide using femtosecond laserMethod for producing active glass nanoparticles by laser ablation9项美国国家专利。2009年,出版书籍Transport in Laser Microfabrication,剑桥大学出版社出版;2014年,出版书籍Hierarchical Nanostructures for Energy DevicesRSC出版社出版。


  1. Wang, L., Eliceiri, M., Deng, Y., Rho, Y., Shou, W., Pan, H., Yao, J., Grigoropoulos, C.P., 2020, “Fast reversible phase change silicon for visible active photonics,” Advanced Functional Materials, 1910784.
  2. Su, Z., Bedolla-Valdez, Z., Wang, L., Rho, Y., Chen, S., Gonel, G., Taurone, E., Moulé, A., Grigoropoulos, C.P., 2019, "High-speed photo-thermal patterning of doped polymer films," ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11, 41717-41725.
  3. Vangelatos, Z., Gu, G.X., Grigoropoulos, C.P., 2019, “Architected metamaterials with tailored 3D buckling mechanisms at the microscale,” Extreme Mechanics Letters, 33, 100580 (Cover Article).
  4. Rho, Y., Pei, J., Wang, L., Su, Z., Eliceiri, M., Grigoropoulos, C.P., 2019, “Site-selective atomic Layer precision thinning of MoS2 via laser-assisted anisotropic chemical etching,” Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11, 39385-39393.
  5. Vangelatos, Z., Melissinaki, V., Farsari, M., Komvopoulos, K., Grigoropoulos, C.P., 2019, “Intertwined microlattices greatly enhance the performance of mechanical metamaterials,” Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 24, 2636–2648.
  6. Kim, E., Ko, C., Kim, K., Chen, Y., Suh, J., Ryu, S.-G., Wu, K., Meng, X., Suslu, A., Tongay, S., Wu, J., Grigoropoulos, C.P., 2016, “Site Selective Doping of Ultra-thin Metal Dichalcogenides by Laser-assisted Reaction,” Advanced Materials, 28, 341-346 (Cover Article).
  7. Jeon, H., Koo, S., Reese, W.M., Loskill, P., Grigoropoulos, C.P., Healy, K.E., 2015, “Directing Cell Migration and Organization via Nanocrater-patterned Cell-repellent Interfaces,” Nature Materials, 14, 918-923.
  8. Paeng, D., Yoo, J.-H., Yeo, J., Lee, D., Kim, E., Ko, S.H., Grigoropoulos, C.P., 2015, "Low-Cost Facile Fabrication of Flexible Transparent Copper Electrode by Nanosecond Laser Ablation" Advanced Materials, 27, 2762-2767.
  9. Paeng, D., Lee, D., Yeo, J., Yoo, J.H., Allen, F., Kim, E., So, H., Park, H.K., Minor, A.M., Grigoropoulos, C.P. 2015, “Laser-Induced Reductive Sintering of Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles under Ambient Conditions,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 119, 6363-6372.
  10. Xiang, B., Hwang, D.J., In, J.-B., Ryu, S.-G., Yoo, J.-H., Dubon, O.D., Minor, A.M., Grigoropoulos, C.P., 2012 “In-situ TEM Near-Field Optical Probing of Nanoscale Silicon Crystallization,” Nano Letters, 12, 2524-2529.
  11. Jeon, H., Schmidt, R., Barton, J.E., Hwang, D.J., Gamble, L.J., Castner, D.G., Grigoropoulos, C.P., Healy, K.E., 2011, “Chemical Patterning of Ultrathin Polymer Films by Direct-Write Multiphoton Lithography,” Journal of American Chemical Society, 133, 6138-6141.
  12. Ko, S.-H., Lee, D., Kang, H.W., Nam, K.H., Yeo, J.Y., Sung, H.J., Grigoropoulos, C.P., 2011, “Nano-forest of Hydrothermally grown Hierarchical ZnO Nanowires for a High Efficiency Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell,” Nano Letters, 11, 666-671.


(1) 2014年起,主持US National Science Foundation项目,获批经费1500000美元

(2) 2014-2017年,主持承担US National Science Foundation项目,获批经费189999美元

(3) 2013-2016年,主持承担US Air Force Office of Scientific Research项目,获批经费360000美元

(4) 2012-2014年,共同主持King Abdullah University of Science and Technology项目,获批经费1440000美元

(5) 2011-2012年,主持承担Department of Energy/Schafer项目,获批经费50000美元

(6) 2010-2013年,主持承担Department of Energy/Appliflex LLC项目,获批经费425000美元

(7) 2011-2012年,主持承担US National Science Foundation项目,获批经费75000美元

(8) 2011-2013年,共同主持US National Science Foundation项目,获批经费251129美元


(1) 333体育-在线体育投注-高赔率体育竞猜平台 外聘教授

(2) 美国热传导领域最高奖机械工程师学会Heat Transfer Memorial Award

(3) 国际光学工程学会会士

(4) 美国机械工程师学会会士


(1) 担任领域权威期刊ASME Journal of Heat Transfer International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 副主编

(2) 担任美国劳伦斯国家实验室环境能源技术部门技术顾问