





þ博导 þ硕导

333体育 及专业

333体育 机械工程专业






[email protected]

2022/03 - 至今,北京理工大学,任教

2020/01 - 2022.02,北京理工大学,博士后 合作导师:冯慧华 教授

2019/012019/10加拿大西安大略大学计算机333体育 ,联合培养

2014/092019/12北京理工大学,机械工程,工学博士 导师:刘检华 教授






[1] Hao Gong, Jianhua Liu*, Huihua Feng, Jiayu Huang. Concept of radial slippage propagation triggering self-loosening and optimisation design of novel anti-loosening structures. Friction, 2023, 11(6): 865-880.

[2] Xinjian Deng, Jianhua Liu, Honghui Gong, Hao Gong*, Jiayu Huang. A human-robot collaboration method using a pose estimation network for robot learning assembly manipulation trajectories from demonstration videos. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2023, 19(5): 7160-7168.

[3] Xinjian Deng, Jianhua Liu, Hao Gong*, Jiayu Huang. A novel vision-based method for loosening detection of marked T-junction pipe fittings integrating GAN-based segmentation and SVM-based classification algorithms. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2023, 34(6): 2581-2597.

[4] Jiayu Huang, Jianhua Liu, Hao Gong*, Xinjian Deng. Multimodal loosening detection for threaded fasteners based on multiscale cross fuzzy entropy. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023, 186: 109834.

[5] Zhongwei Zhang, Jianhua Liu, Hao Gong*, et al. Invention of smart tightening tool for directly controlling the preload of bolted joints. Smart Materials and Structures, 2023, 32(2): 027001.

[6] Jiayu Huang, Jianhua Liu, Honghui Gong, Hao Gong*, et al. Percussion-based loosening detection method for multi-bolt structure using convolutional neural network DenseNet-CBAM. Structural Health Monitoring-an International Journal, 2023, online.

[7] Hao Gong, Xiaoyu Ding, Jianhua Liu*, Huihua Feng. Review of research on loosening of threaded fasteners. Friction, 2022, 10(3): 335-359.

[8] Hao Gong*, Xinjian Deng, Jianhua Liu, Jiayu Huang. Quantitative loosening detection of threaded fasteners using vision-based deep learning and geometric imaging theory. Automation in Construction, 2022, 133: 104009.

[9] Hao Gong, Jianhua Liu*, Huihua Feng. Review on anti-loosening methods for threaded fasteners. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2022, 35(2): 47-61.

[10] Hao Gong*, Jiayu Huang, Jianhua Liu, Xinjian Deng. Proof-of-concept study of high-order sideband for bolt loosening detection using vibroacoustic modulation method. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 169: 108638.

[11] Hao Gong, Jianhua Liu*, Shuo Li, Bo Chen. ResAttenGAN: Simultaneous segmentation of multiple spinal structures on axial lumbar MRI image using residual attention and adversarial learning. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2022, 124: 102243.

[12] Xinjian Deng, Jianhua Liu, Hao Gong*, Jiayu Huang. Detection of loosening angle for mark bolted joints with computer vision and geometric imaging. Automation in Construction, 2022, 142: 104517.

[13] Jiayu Huang, Jianhua Liu, Hao Gong*, Xinjian Deng. A novel active sensing method for loosening detection of globe-cone joint considering assembly uncertainties. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 184: 109738.

[14] Kai Wang, Jianhua Liu, Hao Gong*, et al. Robust optimization design for sealing performance of globe-cone joint considering manufacturing and assembly uncertainties. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2023, 66(4): 92.

[15] Chenfei Du, Jianhua Liu, Hao Gong*, et al. Percussion-based loosening detection method for multi-bolt structure using convolutional neural network DenseNet-CBAM. Structural Health Monitoring-an International Journal, 2023, online.

[16] Jiayu Huang, Jianhua Liu, Hao Gong*, Xinjian Deng. A comprehensive review of loosening detection methods for threaded fasteners. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 168: 108652.

[17] 巩浩, 刘检华*, 冯慧华. 螺纹连接松动机理和防松方法研究综述. 机械工程学报, 2022, 58(10): 326-347+360.

[18] 张忠伟, 刘检华, 巩浩. 螺纹紧固件咬死失效的热力学分析和试验研究. 机械工程学报, 2023, 59(10): 346-356.


(1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,多源不确定性下航空发动机转子系统装配工艺稳健性优化方法,主持,2022.012024.1230万;

(2) 国家自然科学基金区域联合基金重点项目课题,航空发动机转子高稳定性装配基础理论与方法,主持,2023.01-2026.1270万;

(3) 国家重点研发课题,考虑装配误差的复杂高端装备装配性能数字孪生体构建,主持,2022.10-2025.10191万;

(4) 航空科学基金,航空液压管接头密封失效机理与工艺调控方法研究,主持,2023.10-2025.920万;

(5) 内燃机与动力系统全国重点实验室基金,热振耦合工况下发动机机体支撑肩磨损与密封失效研究,主持,2023.10-2025.925万;

(6) GF基础科研项目,高性能空间复杂驱动部件精密装调工艺技术,分承研,2022.10-2025.10160

(7) 国家自然科学基金重点项目复杂机电产品的精密装配基础理论与方法,主要参与,2020.01-2024.12


1 入选第八届中国科协青年人才托举工程;

2 北京理工大学优秀博士后荣誉称号(5%

3 2021年上银机械工程优秀博士论文奖

4 2021年中国机械工业科学技术发明一等奖(排名7)。


机械工程学会高级会员Applied Sciences-Basel客座主编、JAMST青年编委《机械工程学报》青年编委、图学学会数字孪生专委会委员