姓 名 |
熊凌达 |
职 称 |
预聘助理教授 |
□博导 √硕导 |
专 业 |
机械工程专业 |
办公地址 |
北京理工大学先进加工实验楼 |
邮 编 |
100081 |
办公电话 |
010-68912716 |
邮 件 |
zz22110@126.com |
2024.07-至今,北京理工大学,助理教授 2022.10-2023.10 香港理工大学,工业与系统工程,博士后 2021.03-2022.10 华中科技大学,材料加工工程,博士后 2014.09-2021.06 华中科技大学,机械工程,博士 2010.09-2014.06 华中科技大学,材料成型及控制工程,本科 |
研究方向 |
激光熔覆再制造;激光表面处理;激光辅助超精密加工技术 |
代表性论文及研究项目 |
代表论文: [1] Xiong Lingda, Wang Chunjin, Wu Wei, Xu Linjiang, Wang Chunming, Deng Hui, Chi Fai Cheung, The surface softening mechanism of AlN ceramic by laser treatment, Surfaces and Interfaces, Volume 46, March 2024, 104023. [2] Xia Peiyun, Xiong Lingda, Hu Yiyang, Feng Xiaosong, Wang Chunming, Effect of laser oscillation and beam incident angle on porosity in double-sided filler welding of 2219 aluminum alloy T joint, Optics and Laser Technology, Volume 166, November 2023, 109581 [3] Mi Gaoyang, Xiang Yi, Wang Chunming, Xiong Lingda*, Ouyang Qiubao, Microstructure and mechanical properties of SiCp/Al composite fabricated by concurrent wire-powder feeding laser deposition, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, JAN-FEB 2023.22:66-79. [4] Mi Gaoyang, Liu Chang, Wang Chunming, Xiong Lingda*, Ouyang Qiubao, The effect of Zr addition on the laser welding of SiCp/2A14Al composite, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, November, 2021.15: 5175-5186. [5] Mi Gaoyang, Xiong Lingda*, Wang Chunming, Jiang Ping, Zhu Guoli, Two-dimensional phase-field simulations of competitive dendritic growth during laser welding, Materials and Design, 181 (2019) 107980. [6] Xiong Lingda, Zhu Guoli, Mi Gaoyang*, Wang Chunming, Jiang Ping, A phase-field simulation of columnar-to-equiaxed transition in the entire laser welding molten pool, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 858(2020) 157669. [7] Xia Peiyun, Wang Chunming, Hu Yiyang, Feng Xiaosong, Xiong Lingda*, The influence of laser separation distance on the mechanical properties of 2219 aluminum alloy T joint in double-sided laser beam oscillation filler welding, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. [8] Xiong Lingda, Wang Chunming, Wang Zhimin*, Jiang Ping, The interaction between grains during Columnar-to-Equiaxed transition in laser welding: A phase-field study, Metals 10(2020) 1647. [9] Xiong Lingda, Mi Gaoyang, Wang Chunming*, Zhu Guoli, Xu Xiang, Jiang Ping, Numerical Simulation of Residual Stress for Laser Welding of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Considering Solid-State Phase Transformation, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2019, volume: 28, issue: 6. [10] Xiong Lingda, Mi Gaoyang, Wang Chunming, Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser-welded joints of Ti-22Al-25Nb/Ti-6Al-4V dissimilar titanium alloys, Journal of Laser Applications, 2018, volume: 30, issue: 3. 研究项目: [1] XXX激光熔覆再制造工艺研究,中国兵器工业科技开发费项目,参与,300万元,2023.01-2024.12 [2] 铝合金蒙皮桁条结构双束激光同步熔覆研究,上海航天设备制造总厂有限公司合作开发项目,参与,30万元,2022.01-2022.12 [3] 高功率激光焊接流场数值模拟,七二五所合作开发项目,主持,9.8万元,2021.06-2022.12 [4] 基于多尺度粉末-药芯焊丝协同送入的颗粒增强铝基复材激光熔覆方法,区域联合基金-重点项目,参与,100万元,2021.10-2024.09 [5] XXX装备工程样机,国防重点项目子课题,参与,270万元,2021.01-2022.12 |
成果及荣誉 |
作为项目组成员,参与多项国家重点基础研究发展(973)计划项目、国家重点研发计划、国防重点项目等,发表期刊论文20余篇; |
社会职务 |