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333体育 7月1日学术论坛预告

Future Turbo Technology Forum
The 'Future Turbo Technology Forum" will be held on July 1st 2013 in Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) . The forum is jointly organized by Chinese Society of Internal Combustion Engine (CSICE) and BIT and we expect to have specialists from the most famous manufactures of diesel engine and/or components for attendance. 
As an important and efficient way of ICE emission reduction and fuel saving, turbocharging technology has been rapidly developed in the past decades. Yet new challenges are presented for the turbocharging technology according to the higher level requests of ICE on emission and energy saving. The motivation of the forum tends to bring new ideas to meet such challenges.
The forum will bring the new requests on turbocharging technology presented by vehicular ICE and up-to-date status as well as future developing trends of turbo technology. 
The forum will focus on following topics:
1. Advanced aerodynamic performance to support future engines
2. Trade-off between aero performance and durability
3. Turbo matching, correlation with engine performance, control and automated calibration
4. Bearing, rotor dynamics and other emerging technologies
5. Understand the emerging market
We sincerely invite you for your attendance and hope to welcome you in BIT.
Chinese Society of Internal Combustion Engine
Beijing Institute of Technology
May, 29, 2013